Thursday, October 4, 2007

King of the Hills!

Most of the JV game was serving. Our top server was once again Alyssa who had 9 points with 6 aces. Cassie also had 9 points (3 aces). Elaine served 7 points (3 aces). Every serve Jillian got over was an ace (6). Four Crusaders had 2 kills apiece (Cassie, Jillian, Alyssa, & Shannon). Scores: 25-6, 25-9
The Varsity game showcased Sara who had TWENTY-TWO kills (41%)! Coop was next with 8 kills (35%). Juniors Kara & Kristine had 4 kills each. Emma led the team defensively today (96% passing), earning 11 digs to go along with her 33 assists. Allie was very consistent in the front row with no hitting errors and 3 assists. Serving 100% today were both Emma's, Cole, and Stephanie, but Jen once again led us in service points with 12 (5 aces). Scores: 25-20, 25-14, 25-19.
P.S. Pretty cool ref we had for half the game tonight anyway! Thanks Mr McLoughlin for helpin out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate the fact that you girls got those shirts...they are incredible!! I'm jealous that I wont get to see you all play but maybe if you guys go far enough I can!! If thats not incentive I dont know what is...
<3 Ailene

Go Crusaders!