Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Aces -n- Faces

The JV game was all about Aces. Jillian had 15! Chelsea 5, Cassie 4, Kaitlyn 2, and Kacie 1. Not much else happened besides serving practice tonight for JV as they easily secured the 25-5, 25-9 win.
The Varsity game was all about facials, five in fact (preminition!). Sara had an ERROR FREE night in hitting, passing, blocking and serving! She had 7 kills, as did Kristine. Janelle 1-uped them though with 8 kills. Four girls besides Sara had perfect passing stats (Cole, Coop, Allie, & Emma). Emma had 26 assists and Cole 4. The Crusaders improve to 3-1 in the Metro with the 25-5, 25-12, 25-16 victory tonight over the Cosmos.I thought I'd throw in a picture from yesterday's practice. The girls doing an ab exercise and here we see Coop & Janelle doggin it with bent knees! Tisk Tisk!

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