Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Look at our girls all purdied up!

Varsity also swept Harper Woods 25-23 (huh?), 25-6 (oh, that's much better... slurpees!), 25-18. Offensively, SKARA had 16 kills (8 for Kara & 8 for Sara!). Defensively Sara, Janelle & Emma each had 8 digs. Jen had the most points (16) and aces (3).

However, the most notable items tonight were Cole setting in the 3rd game and Kristine's excitement as she got to serve for the first time this season and earned 2 aces! This game EVERY Crusader got to serve and everyone scored at least 2 points, with Allie closing out the match! Nice work!
A special thanks to Emma for being not just mentally tough, but also physically tough and playing even though sick tonight. Emma also had no service errors and no passing errors! Thanks Cap'n!
Above... our amazing fans who demanded their picture on the blog! ; )
AND... Happy 25th to the Gerds.

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