Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Crusaders Improve to 5-1 in Conference Play

JV started things off right with a win over Claranceville 25-20, 25-22. It was an exciting match, where I actually got to record a lot of DIGS for a change - meaning the opponent was actually setting it up and hitting it! (Lauren 14, Cassie 7, Alyssa 6, Kacie 3, Jillian 3). Kills were earned by Jillian 7, Kacie 6, Kaitlyn 2, Chelsea 2, Elaine 2 and Alyssa 2. Cassie had 16 assists and Elaine had 4. Nice work girls!
Varsity had their first 4-game match since the first game of the season, 21-25, 25-19, 25-18, 25-21. The entire team contributed to the win tonight, but here are the category leaders:
SERVING 95%+: Janelle 95%, Coop 96%, Cole 100%, Steph 100%, Emma 100%
POINTS Coop 16, Janelle 13, Emma 9, Jen 7
SERVE RECEIVE 100%: Coop (12/12), Kara (16/16), Jen (9/9), Janelle (22/22)
DIGS: Janelle 28, Kara 20, Emma 18, Coop 10, Steph 8
KILLS: Sara 20, Janelle 15, Kara 10, Cole 7
BLOCKS: Sara 4, Cole 2
ASSISTS: Emma 46, Kara 2, Cole 1, Allie 1, Kris 1

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