Friday, October 26, 2007

Scouting Report

Party at Sara's Place!

The scouting portion of our evening was a bust, but I stopped back at Sacred Heart afterwards and found myself inside the coaches office and found that THEY had a detailed scouting report ON US!
LHNW runs a 5-1 with a very talented setter, #5, who seems to get to every ball. She leads the court with key communication & leadership as floor captain. She can turn any pass into an amazing set. The first thing I noticed about their hitters was #11, a natural athlete with a vertical leap that is amazing. The biggest swing comes from middle #15 who is not intimidated by a big block, she will either hit around it or through it... her choice. Then there's those outside hitters, #10 & #14... you think you are happy when #14 rotates around to the back row, only to find out that #10 can also swing away and #14 reads every ball so well, she is always right there passing up everything that comes over the net! Then they have these 2 blonde DS's, #3 & #8, that somehow bring offense into the back row with these crazy floater serves that look harmless enough until they change direction at the last second and then it's shanks everywhere! So that brings us to their other hitters, #9 and #12, who are quiet but deadly. They send over these off-speed shots that just drop to the floor and then they are the queens of the re-direct, so please do not send any overpasses over there! So you look at their roster for a weak spot and see, OH YEAH, a FRESHMAN to pick on... the Libero!?!?!?!... what? Yeah, she's an amazing passer, so never serve to her or hit at her, cuz all she knows how to do is pass up dimes. We are thinking that NW must be hiding something though, cuz they just brought up this other "freshman", #13, to Varsity and we caught her on film DRIVING! Hmmm!
Anyway, this team plays with so much heart and intensity, it's hard to get the momentum away from them. Even when they don't get the point, they have gone all out for it so even THAT keeps them fired up. You look across the net at them and don't see a weak spot. They are tough, confident and talented. I hate to say it ladies, but this just isn't our year for Districts. The Crusaders have it locked up!

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