Saturday, October 27, 2007

2nd in Metro Conference Tournament!!!

We met for a team breakfast at Kerbys and then Stephanie hosted the team at her house for an inspirational viewing of "Miracle".

I was very proud of our team today. First we
played Liggett. We started off rough, getting shut out 0-10 before we scored our first point! We were down nearly the whole game, but we maintained our mental toughness and fought back and won 25-23. The defeat was deflating to Liggett and we dominated the 2nd game, winning 25-6. This match featured Kara, who hit 16-for-16 with 7 kills (44%). Sara was 17-for-18 with 8 kills (39%). Coop was 20/21 on passing. Emma had 20 assists. Stephanie led us in serving with 12 points, all right in a row in the second game. Janelle had 11 digs. Jennifer, Allie, Sara & Stephanie had no passing errors.
On to our next match against top seed Lutheran Westland (ranked 4th in the state). Before tonight no one in our conference had been able to take even a single game away from them. But we shocked them the first game with a 25-23 victory. They came back tough in the 2nd game and we lost 9-25, but instead of getting down, we chose to get intense and to play ALL OUT and we beat them in the deciding game 25-23 again. The victory was exciting! Janelle was awesome this game, she had 20 digs and 12 kills. Emma also played her heart out and passed 95% as well as dishing out 28 assists. Sara had 15 kills and 6 blocks. Our serve receive this match was an amazing 97%! Winning the passion prize: free dinner with coaches Jessie & Rachel was SARA, who was intense, energetic, enthusiastic, and excited both on the court and on the bench. Congrats Sara.
Emma is now at 216 serves in a row!!! Tonight Emma told me that every time before she serves she tells herself, "I am a consistent server" and she just KNOWS it's going over & in. That's MTT in action girls. Great job Emma.
Below: Some pre-tournament dodge-ball to warm-up.

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