Saturday, November 3, 2007

Spotlight on... EMMA

EMMA (aka Em), Senior Captain, 5'5" Setter, 2nd yr on Varsity

Club Experience: VIP (3 years), Mi Elite (1 year)

Favorite Sports Movie: MIRACLE

Best thing about your team: We are so close. No one gets mad at each other and everyone is so supportive. I love our team!

Coolest thing about being a setter: It's great to be able to contribute to every play. I get a huge sense of accomplishment when I see my hitters succeed!

What's it like being a captain?: It's a wonderful opportunity to be a leader. It pushes me to be more vocal and to be a positive example through my demeanor. It pulls the best out of me.

Best MTT tip: The power of your thoughts is unimaginable. The things you can accomplish through positive thinking & visualization are countless.

Coach says... Emma handles the pressure of being a senior captain and our setter with ease. She is always poised under pressure and leads her team with confidence. She is a great setter, defender and server. She has a positive attitude and she helps me learn how to be a better coach with her insight and input. She exhibits mental toughness, leadership and confidence.

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