Saturday, November 3, 2007

D I S T R I C T C H A M P S ! ! !

I'll say it again... Class C Crusaders are CLUTCH! = )
It was a great day for the Crusaders sweeping through to the District Championship!!!
Sacred Heart... 25-18, 25-23, 25-15
Clawson... 25-17, 25-23, 26-24

Sara had a day... wow... 45 kills!!! 6 blocks too!
Janelle had 25 kills, 8 aces and 34 digs
Emma had 75 assists and is now at 235 consecutive serves without a miss! (310/312)
Cole's kill was the most exciting one of the day as it clinched the 26-24 victory and the District Trophy!
Coop was 20-for-20 on serve receive, had 9 digs and 21 points
Jen was one of our best passers! 18 digs! 10/11 serve receive
Kara had 27 digs and 7 kills
Steph had 15 digs, 14/16 serve receive
Kristine was 20/22 passing and 10/10 hitting.

I am very proud of all of you... each girl that has a medal today earned it. If not on the court today, you were there at the practices making our TEAM better by giving them AMAZING competition and encouragement. We are all a team and we are AWESOME! Enjoy this District Championship and then it's back to work on Tuesday! There's more opportunitites to seize!

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