Monday, November 12, 2007

Regional Finalists!

Spaghetti Dinner at Stephanies Friday night!

Our fans were CRAZY-AWESOME on Saturday. Thanks so much for supporting us. It made the whole experience so much more exciting for all of us. I hope to see more of the same next year!

Northwest made it to the Regional Finals! GREAT JOB!
First we defeated River Rouge 25-9, 25-23, 25-9.
Although we lost in the Final to Shrine 16-25, 20-25, 18-25, our girls played with HEART and we went out leaving it all out on the court. We can be proud of our play and know that our season was a success because we gave it our best!

Year End Stats

Emma - 99.4% serving* (335/337)... 260 serves in a row without a miss*! 170 points, 14 aces, 201 digs, 30 kills, 771 assists*, 1 block

Janelle - 207 points*, 54 aces*, 440 digs*, 86% serve receive, 274 kills, 7 blocks, 10 assists

Sara - 338 kills*, 24% kills*, 49 blocks*, 64 digs, 4 assists

Jennifer - 185 points, 52 aces, 161 digs, 86% serve receive, 1 kill, 4 assists

Stephanie - 156 points, 45 aces, 94% serving, 175 digs, 2 kills, 4 assists

Allie - 11 kills, 9 digs, 8 points, 11 assists

Kara - 110 points, 21 aces, 268 digs, 124 kills, 10 assists, 9 blocks

Kristine - 45 kills, 18 blocks, 42 digs, 18 assists

Cole - 163 points, 31 aces, 93% serving, 133 digs, 90 kills, 20 blocks, 23 assists

Coop - 138 points, 27 aces, 90% serving, 186 digs, 91% serve receive*, 87% overall passing*, 13 kills, 8 assists, 2 blocks

* team high

Record: 20-14-3

Saturday, November 3, 2007

D I S T R I C T C H A M P S ! ! !

I'll say it again... Class C Crusaders are CLUTCH! = )
It was a great day for the Crusaders sweeping through to the District Championship!!!
Sacred Heart... 25-18, 25-23, 25-15
Clawson... 25-17, 25-23, 26-24

Sara had a day... wow... 45 kills!!! 6 blocks too!
Janelle had 25 kills, 8 aces and 34 digs
Emma had 75 assists and is now at 235 consecutive serves without a miss! (310/312)
Cole's kill was the most exciting one of the day as it clinched the 26-24 victory and the District Trophy!
Coop was 20-for-20 on serve receive, had 9 digs and 21 points
Jen was one of our best passers! 18 digs! 10/11 serve receive
Kara had 27 digs and 7 kills
Steph had 15 digs, 14/16 serve receive
Kristine was 20/22 passing and 10/10 hitting.

I am very proud of all of you... each girl that has a medal today earned it. If not on the court today, you were there at the practices making our TEAM better by giving them AMAZING competition and encouragement. We are all a team and we are AWESOME! Enjoy this District Championship and then it's back to work on Tuesday! There's more opportunitites to seize!

Spotlight on... EMMA

EMMA (aka Em), Senior Captain, 5'5" Setter, 2nd yr on Varsity

Club Experience: VIP (3 years), Mi Elite (1 year)

Favorite Sports Movie: MIRACLE

Best thing about your team: We are so close. No one gets mad at each other and everyone is so supportive. I love our team!

Coolest thing about being a setter: It's great to be able to contribute to every play. I get a huge sense of accomplishment when I see my hitters succeed!

What's it like being a captain?: It's a wonderful opportunity to be a leader. It pushes me to be more vocal and to be a positive example through my demeanor. It pulls the best out of me.

Best MTT tip: The power of your thoughts is unimaginable. The things you can accomplish through positive thinking & visualization are countless.

Coach says... Emma handles the pressure of being a senior captain and our setter with ease. She is always poised under pressure and leads her team with confidence. She is a great setter, defender and server. She has a positive attitude and she helps me learn how to be a better coach with her insight and input. She exhibits mental toughness, leadership and confidence.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Spotlight on... SARAH

Sarah (aka COLE!), Sophomore, 5'9" MH/RH, 1st year on Varsity Club Experience: 3 years (1 USA Michigan, 1 TPV, 1 Michigan Elite) Favorite Drill: Dig or Die Other Sports: Basketball, Softball Best thing about your team: Everyone is encouraging. No one gets mad if someone messes up; we just move on to the next play. Coolest thing about being a middle hitter: A lot of net plays like blocking, tipping and hitting. Best MTT tip: If you're down on yourself, your team will get down. If you're positive, your team will be positive... so stay positive! Coach says... Cole is a consistent force on the court. She often tends to be our "unsung" hero, quietly giving key performances. She is one of our most consistent servers and attackers. Her specialty is the re-direct kill. She's one of the few players that is truly a "utility" player and can be used in any position effectively. She has good fundamental skills and it will be a pleasure to build this program with Cole for three years.

Spotlight on... KARA

KARA (aka Kare, Karebear, KaRUH), 5'8" Junior, OH, 1st yr on Varsity Favorite Drill: The Pit Other Sports: Basketball, Soccer Best thing about your team: We are all so close and have so much team unity. I love my team like I love my sisters! Coolest thing about being an OH: When I get a kill that no one can touch, it's such a great high, its like God looks down from the heavens and angels sing and everything is good! Best MTT Tip: Never focus on past mistakes, it will only ruin your game. Tell yourself the good things you're about to do. Favorite Cheer: Ahh Roof (clap clap) roof roof ROOF ROOF! Coach says... Kara is an awesome all-around player. She is a great passer, hitter and server. She has improved SO MUCH from the beginning of the season, especially in her mental game. She is passionate about the game and that drives her to keep getting better. I am extremely proud of Kara... when I think about how much she's grown this year, it makes me beam inside!