Friday, September 21, 2007

Spotlight on... SARA

SARA (aka SP), 5'11" Senior Captain, MH, 2nd yr on Varsity

Club Experience: Ideal, 2 yrs

Other sports: Tennis, Soccer

Coolest thing about being a middle: Stuffing the hitters

Most memorable vb moment (so far!): Saving a shanked serve receive & winning the point against HV.

Best MTT Tip: Visualization can improve your game because your brain doesn't know the difference between a real or vividly imagined event.

Best thing about your team?: We love being together and hanging out off & on the court.

Coach says... Sara is enthusiastic about playing volleyball. When she's on the court, the team is more fired up and excited. She has a powerful swing AND can place the ball in the opponent's holes. She passes well and has great defensive instincts. She is a good captain because she exudes confidence in her teammates and herself.

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