Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Crusaders Sink Their CLAWS into Clawson!

(come on girls, only Kara is looking ferocious!)

The Crusaders opened up conference play with a big win at Clawson tonight (25-20, 25-19, 25-20). Our serving was great... BOTH consistent and smart! We served 97% as a team (73/75) and we earned 11 aces and countless freebie overpasses. Stephanie led the way with 16 points and 6 aces. While Clawson was scrambling on serve receive, our serve receive was STELLAR tonight, not just in-play passes but DIMES! Nice work girls! Also consistent once again was our hitting at 85%. Cole & Kara had the best kill% and earned 6 kills apiece. Janelle had 11 kills and 18 digs. Sara had 10 kills.
Emma had 30 assists and 12 digs. Putting up a FLAWLESS performance tonight were Kristine and Coop - both had ZERO errors! WOW!
I also want to note... parents, you guys were awesome fans tonight! It was great to get you in on the action! We appreciate your support.

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