Monday, September 17, 2007

Spotlight on... EMMA (COOP)

EMMA (aka Coop, Em, Ems, Kid), 5'7" Freshman, OH, 1st yr on Varsity

Club Experience: USA Michigan, 1 yr

Other Sports: Soccer & Softball

What's the best thing about your team?: How much we all support each other.

Best MTT Tip: Always keep your head up. If you look confident, you will feel confident.

How does it feel being on Varsity? It's a surreal feeling. It is such an honor and I feel so blessed. I love my team and I am so thankful for them.

Coach says... Emma/Coop is an amazing all-around, versatile athlete. She has a very powerful armswing and is consistent in passing. She is so awesome that I hardly ever remember that she is a freshman, but when I do I get VERY EXCITED... what a talent to have for FOUR YEARS!!!

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