Thursday, July 26, 2007

Overhand Passing / Setting

Preparation: Hands begin at chest level and move up through the midline, close to each other to the touch point. Present your hands as early as possible.

Touch Point: You should contact the ball above your eyes (have your thumbs at eyebrow level).

Hand Position: Thumbs should be an inch apart, pointer fingers should be directly above the thumbs, again an inch apart. Your hands should be rounded in the shape of the ball. Wrists should be bent back (you should see wrinkles in your wrists). Your elbows should be pointing away from your midline.

Contact: Your hands should be rounded on the ball, your entire hand, including your palms should make contact with the ball. Wrists cushion the impact. At contact, you will ONLY move your elbows from the bent position to fully extended. Your hands/wrists stay in the same position.

Footwork: Quick 1-2 step, Left-Right. These steps should be heel-toe, emphasizing the weight transfer. On overhand passing you should face your target. First you are square to the server/attacker, then you step to square up to your target.

Follow Through: After the ball is passed, your wrists should still be bent back and your thumbs/pointer fingers should still be pointed toward each other, in the shape of a triangle. Your hands should still be in the shape of the ball.

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