Thursday, July 26, 2007


Power Position: Ankles, knees, waist bent. Abs tight. Elbows in. Hands by face and palms facing forward. Your fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders and abs should be very tight and strong.

Stand at the net approx. 1/2 arms length away. Stand tall, in athletic stance, on the balls of your feet. Hands big and strong. Imagine yourself being 4" taller and LOOK BIG at the net. This is very intimidating to your opponent!

Outside/Rightside Hitters: Cross-over, hop, ready, JUMP

Middle Hitters: Step, cross-over, hop, ready, JUMP

Always keep hands above the tape.
LOAD legs with power.
Jump straight up.
Extend your hands over the net and have your hands in the shape of the ball (thumbs back!).
Shrug your shoulders UP to give you another 3" of reach height.
Land on both feet.
Never touch the net.

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