Friday, August 31, 2007

Spotlight on... JENNIFER

Jennifer, (aka Jen, J-Grab) Senior, 5'6", 2nd yr on Varsity, #3, DS/L

Favorite vb drill: Downball & Switch

Favorite sports movie: Remember the Titans, Pistons Championship Recap

Other sports you play: Basketball, Softball

Best MTT tip: Always say positive things to yourself; if you keep a positive mindset, you'll play better.

What's the best thing about your team: We are very encouraging. Most of us have played together since Freshman year so we are very comfortable together and we have a lot of fun together.

Coach says... Jen is a joy to coach. She is always positive, always works hard, and is a team player. She is willing to try any position and is consistent in everything she does. Her serve is killer and her passing is sweet!

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