Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Offensive Calls

The net is divided into 9 equal sections. Communicate to the setter what section of the net you want the ball set to. The second number you call is the height of the set that you want. A quick set is a "1", a regular tempo set (about the height of the antenna) is a "2" ball.

A typical outside set would a "52" or a "42"
A quick middle attack might be an "11"
A back set or a slide attack might be a "B2" or a "C2"
A shoot set could be a "31"
For a back row attack, you can call for a Red, White or Black set. The ideal back row attack is when the attacker jumps right behind the 10' line and lands in front of it. These sets should be higher than a front row set.

We should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS work to get a HIT or at least a swipe, shoot, tip or roll shot over the net. A free ball is the LAST option. If the pass is off, we can STILL get a good hit off. Our goal is to make the next ball better. If a non-setter takes the second ball, her mentality should always be: "who can I set up for an attack?" The other players work to make themselves available to attack the ball... adjust and call for a ball that can be set.

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